Friday, December 11, 2009

blue cheese

Yow-zah! The head elf at the North Pole is surely the most fantastic event planner of all time. After much organization and lists, and a lot of walking, we have put every last Christmas package in the mail and stamped every last card. Now, whether or not everything makes it to the the tree it belongs underneath-that remains to be seen.

We took the owner of Ron's Sasebo Burger - that place with the crazy line that we finally got to eat at a while back - to Chili's for their first "all-American" eat-a-thon last night. They were as Brandon says, "champion eaters". This little couple consumed appetizers of chicken wings & fried cheese followed by steak, a half rack of ribs, loaded mash potatoes, veggies, and fajitas of shrimp, chicken, & beefu. We ordered a Chocolate Molten Cake-or as his wife says, "Octopus cake" (which makes total sense if you've ever looked at a picture of one), and it was so good they ordered another. They had a really, really good time. His favorite part? The blue cheese dressing. That's right, he put it on everything-the steak, the tortilla, you name it. Nothing else exists in America now to him except for blue cheese dressing. We sent him home with 2 containers and all he could say was, "I'll see you tomorrow morning for my refills!" It was such a great night, so many people have taken us different places and it was great to take someone else and introduce them to something new.

The other greatest moment? Convincing them there was no buffalo in the "buffalo sauce".

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