Sunday, August 30, 2009

adventures of jewell in japan

I (Jewell) know this is slowly becoming the adventures of Jewell in Japan, but poor Brandon has been working so hard getting the restaurant on the right path. Part of me feels guilty for getting to experience the city while he works, but he his doing such a good job and the restaurant really loves him, so maybe I don't feel too bad.

Today I spent 6 hours out of the apartment. While I don't need to dissect every part of the day there are some things worth notation.

After I walked Brandon to the taxi (we walk down to the Arcade and get a taxi so the cab fare is cut in half) I stopped in at Starbucks for a drink. Hello Green Tea Lemon Frappachino, you are awesome. Oh, and they serve everything here with a bendy straw. There is only a certain kind of person that knows to appreciate the bendy straw, and they are mostly my old roommates. As I sat outside, I found it hard to concentrate on my book, and if you've read Julie & Julia you know that's hard. My book reading session soon turned into people watching and eavesdropping. It is Sunday here, so the Arcade was rockin'. Many people, doing many kinds of things, going many kinds of places. Plus, I got to hear two Navy dudes try and sweet talk a pretty Japanese girl in the form of explaining how most American dudes act, and how they are totally different then those that only have sex on their mind. It was so priceless. I actually wrote notes...but then I left them on my tray at dinner, which is super embarrassing, except that I'm known by no one. Saving grace.

After about three hours, I moved on to wandering from store to store. I even went down a few alleys in which I discovered a hefty amount of vintage stores. Nice.

I will say that they love their wrapping paper and pretty little details here. I will fit in just fine after long as they don't know I wrote those notes. They even have a whole section of an isle way dedicated to decorative tapes! My gift wrapping ideas have now tripled, and I can not wait for Christmas.

I walked to base to catch a movie. Anyone seen Away We Go? It was so great. But what 3 dollar movie wouldn't be! The movie? Why did I bring it up? Well, because I had to stand and sing the national anthem before I got to watch it. Not that I have anything against singing the National anthem, but it seems more appropriate at the beginning of a baseball game with a hot dog in one hand and a 32oz. beer in the other...or at a air show.

After the abrupt display of national pride and an amazing movie I walked home. I haven't really ventured out at night yet and I am so glad I finally did. The lights and sounds are so much different then during the day! I stopped into a late night place and ordered a meal that was supposed to be beef but tasted like bacon and looked like some animals insides. But, I did try it, and it was good. Plus it came with Miso and Rice...great stand-by's.

I ended up foregoing the taxi and walking home. I am beginning to love these crazy steps. I will miss them at the new place. I stopped by the vending machine to grab some booze, and to my surprise...its a vodka tonic in a can!! I think...

Here are some shots from my day. Hope you enjoy.

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